9 BEST Exercises for a BIGGER Back (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)

Muscle groups one of the largest are-your traps which include an upper middle-and lower portion then along your upper-back in between your shoulder blades-you have your rhomboids which are-responsible for bringing your shoulders-back and they contribute quite a bit to-the shape and thickness of your upper-back .


Moving out to the sides as part of-your upper back you have your posterior-deltoids or the back portions of your-shoulders as we move down the spine we-hit the lats which are also very large-and powerful back muscles that are-crucial for AD ducting the shoulders or-pulling the arms down and underneath all-that lies your erector spinae a deep-tissue back muscle mostly responsible-for flexing and stabilizing the spine-and believe it or not we can target all-of these muscles very effectively by-only using dumbbells .

 So I want to show-you the nine best dumbbell back-exercises that you can do anywhere even-if you don't have access to a gym and-I'll go over sets and reps at the end-for a complete workout plan that can be-done right in your own home .

So let's-start first with an exercise that can be-super effective even if your dumbbells-aren't very heavy the long angle-suitcase row to begin this exercise-you're gonna grab two dumbbells and-stand with your feet about hip width-apart or you can even stand with them-touching close together .but you-definitely want to make sure that your-stance isn't too wide or else you'll be-hitting your knees with the dumbbells on-every rep hold the dumbbells to your-sides and squeeze your shoulder blades-nice and tight together so that you have-a big chest that's pointing straight-ahead then bend down until your back is-about at a 60-degree angle from the-floor and make sure that you maintain a-neutral spine and don't allow your lower-back to round forward also relax your-shoulders to allow both dumbbells to-hang straight down from that position-you're gonna roll both dumbbells back by-driving your elbows towards the ceiling-but instead of growing straight back-like you would with regular suitcase-rows you're gonna aim to bring the-dumbbells further back towards your hips-by doing this .

 You're gonna create a-longer lever length allowing you to hit-your lats and the back of your shoulders-in a unique way that requires-significantly less weight to be-effective then lower back down and-repeat for reps making sure to really-squeeze your shoulder blades together-every time you bring the dumbbells up up-next we're gonna use the dumbbells for-bent over hi rose this exercise will-primarily target the upper part of your-back and the back of your shoulders-you're gonna start by standing just like-before with feet hip-width a big chest-and the dumbbells hanging straight down-but with this exercise you want to bend-a little further down so that your back-is just slightly above or right about-parallel with the floor from here-instead of rolling the dumbbells back-with your elbows nice and tight to your-ribs you want to open up the space-between your arms by lifting your elbows-away from your body as you pull them-back towards the ceiling at the same-time as you raise the dumbbells you're-gonna turn your hand from a neutral-position to a pronated position with-your knuckles facing forward really make-sure you squeeze your upper back at the-top by imagining that you're trying to-hold a pencil in between your shoulder-blades at the top of each contraction-then slowly lower the dumbbells back-down as you turn your hands back to the-original neutral position and repeat for-reps due to the angle that you're-performing this exercise at and the-reduced amount of lat involvement in the-movement you once again don't need very-heavy weights for this one to be very-effective another great compound exercise that-works almost every muscle in your body .

Most people don't know is amazing-for developing your back is the single-arm dumbbell snatch you're gonna start-by bending your knees and squatting down-then grabbing a dumbbell with a pronated-or an overhand grip . The dumbbell should-be hanging in between your feet and your-hips should be just about parallel with-the ground from there you'll want to-explode upward and quickly drive the-dumbbell towards the ceiling as you-drive through your legs and stand-straight up while doing this you want to-imagine that there's a wall in front of-you about a foot away so you want to-keep that dumbbell really close to your-body as you're doing it when doing it-this way you'll feel your shoulder come-up first followed by your elbow and then-your hand and then it'll feel like-you're catching the dumbbell at the top-with your elbow locked out underneath it-from there you're gonna lower the-dumbbell down to your shoulder by-bending your elbow and then from your-shoulder you're gonna lower that-dumbbell back down to the ground by-extending your elbow down and squatting-back down then from there-repeat four reps moving on we have the-dumbbell deadlift which happens to be-one of the best exercises to develop all-of your back muscles especially if you-have some heavy dumbbells but if you-don't you can go for a higher rep count .

which I'll be going over with you at the-end to begin step in between the two-dumbbells that are set up in a neutral-position stand in between both dumbbells-with your feet about shoulder width-apart you also want the center of the-dumbbells to be in line with the middle-of each of your feet from there hinge-your hips bend your knees and lower-yourself down to the dumbbells grip both-dumbbells with a neutral grip stick your-chest out and drop your hips down while-squeezing your shoulder blades together-to pull all the slack out make sure that-you're not shifting your weight forward-onto your toes and instead try to keep-your weight in the center of your foot 

So that your shoulders are in line with-your hands also concentrate on keeping-your chest and your hips up before-beginning the lift then begin lifting-the weight up but don't pull with your-lower back instead lift up by squeezing-your abs driving your feet into the-ground and hinder your hips forward-until you're standing upright once-you're standing upright don't lean any-further back to avoid hyper extending -your spine then slowly lower back down-while maintaining a neutral spine until-the dumbbells are almost at the ground-and from there repeat four reps with any-kind of deadlift it's probably more-important than ever to avoid making the-mistake of rounding your back forward by-remembering to keep your chest up and-your hips up while keeping your core-tight you'll maintain that nice safe-neutral arc next we have one of the best-lat exercises you can do with a dumbbell-the pull over pull over zall so work-your chest as well but the way .

 I'm going-to show you how to do it will focus more-on the lats rather than the chest if-you're able to use a heavy weight I-recommend that you set the exercise up-in a way that'll allow you to lay-perpendicular to the bench this is going-to help you a lot if you're using a-heavy dumbbell because you'll be able to-drop your hips down to counterbalance-the weight however if you're using a-lighter dumbbell you can position-yourself parallel with the bench instead-either way place the dumbbell on the-side of the bench slide down and lay-back until your upper back is on the-bench and grab the dumbbell with both-hands by forming an over-laughing triangle position between your-thumbs and your fingers in this position-both hands will be holding the plates at-one end of the dumbbell and the bar in-the middle of the dumbbell will be-sitting in between the webbing of your-fingers do not grip by clenching your-hands together or by stacking one fist-on top of the other these are both-incorrect hand placements from there-bring the dumbbell over your chest with-your arms extended and with a slight-bend in your elbows drop your hips down-to counterbalance the weight take a deep-breath and lower the weight above and-behind your head towards the ground in-an arc like motion until you feel a nice-stretch in your chest and your lats then-return the weight back up towards the-starting position by concentrating on-raising your elbows up towards your-chest but don't bring the dumbbell all-the way back up in line with your chest-because that's when you'll shift the-more of the tension from your lats to-your chest instead stop right before-when the dumbbell is in line with the-top of your head and repeat for reps-within that shorter range of motion to-help keep tension on the lats next we-have renegade rows which is a great-exercise not only for your back but also-for your core and for developing better-balance and stability-start by getting down on the ground into-a push-up position with both hands-elevated on a pair of dumbbells holding-them with the neutral grips you want to-keep your body in a straight line from-the back of your head to your heels with-your chest out and your shoulder blades-back before beginning .

You'll want to-shift your body weight very slightly-towards the opposite side that you'll be-rolling on by rotating your torso away-from that side to prevent yourself from-falling over once the weight is off the-ground and pulling you back down when-doing this you want to also remember to-not turn too far you only want to be a-couple inches higher on one side than-the other retract your shoulders and lift the-dumbbell off the ground while still-allowing your arm to hang straight down-then while squeezing your core tight to-stay in that same position row back by-pulling your elbow up towards the-ceiling once the dumbbell comes up to your chest-lower it down slowly and pause at the-bottom with your arm once again hanging-straight down hold it there for a second-and then repeat for reps remember to do-your reps on each side one side at a-time let's move on now to a great exercise-you can do with lighter dumbbells there-reverse fly you're gonna start by-grabbing two dumbbells with your feet-shoulder-width apart and your shoulder-blades pulled back and squeeze nice and-tight together then you're gonna bend-down until your upper body's almost-parallel with the ground and once again-let both dumbbells hang straight down-make sure your knees are slightly bent-and that you maintain that neutral curve-and your lower back by focusing on-sticking your chest up and your butt up-the whole time don't allow your back to round because-even with light dumbbells your lower-back will be vulnerable if you have bad-form then while keeping your elbows-slightly bent you're gonna perform a-reverse fly by bringing the dumbbells-back towards your sides in an arc like-motion then lower them down nice and-slow and return back to the starting-position to repeat for reps you can also-do this exercise by using one arm at a-time and placing your other hand on some-kind of platform for support doing it-both ways it's very effective for the-back of your shoulders as well as your-rhomboids .

Next we actually have another-exercise where you'll be leaning forward-with one hand up against the platform-for support the single arm dumbbell row-first you want to make sure that you-have a platform that's about the height-of your thigh if you have a bench and-you can put your knee up on the bench as-well then you can do that but if you-don't you can just put your hand on the-platform and with your other hand you're-gonna grab the dumbbell with a neutral-grip so that your palm is facing towards-your body while maintaining that natural-neutral arc in your spine and a big-chest row the dumbbell up towards your-chest without using your torso for-momentum as you wrote you want your-elbow close to your side instead of-further away like we were doing with the-hi rose once again concentrate on-pulling with your elbow rather than-pulling with your hand to take your-bicep out of the movement and to instead-focus on your back squeeze your back at-the top of the movement and then slowly-lower back down until the dumbbell is-hanging under your shoulder then simply-repeat four reps finally the last-dumbbell exercise that's great for-strengthening your spinal erectors-is the dumbbell skydiver for this one-you'll need very light dumbbells like-I'm talking only five or ten pounds but-you would do it by laying down on the-ground flat on your stomach with your-hands out to the sides hold-two dumbbells then you're gonna lift-dumbbells off the ground while at the-same time also lifting your legs up off-the ground hold that position for a-three-second count and then lower both-your upper and your lower body back to-the ground before repeating four reps so those are-the nine best exercises that you can do-with dumbbells to get a great looking-back anywhere to get a great workout you-can take four or five of these exercises-and do three to four sets of eight to-ten reps of each with a heavy enough-weight if the weight that you're using-isn't challenging enough for some of-these exercises like deadlifts for-example you can go for a higher rep-count on those exercises ranging from 12-to 20 reps depending on how hight the-weight feels you can save the other-exercises for a second back workout-during the week or for when you-eventually switch up your back workouts-that about wraps it up guys .

I really hope you enjoyed this and-got some new ideas that you can apply to-your home workouts as always I want to-remind you that building up the muscle-and bring in the muscle out so that it-can be visible requires two different-approaches if you want to have a visibly-muscular back you will also have to make-sure that you lower your body fat-percentage with a proper diet plan so if-you'd like to skip all that-trial-and-error that's typically-associated with coming up with a-nutrition plan that you can actually-stick to to meet your goals then visit-my website where you can get a-done-for-you program that'll help you-build muscle and burn fat in the-shortest amount of time possible-our programs come with a full video-exercise library so you'll always know-exactly what you're doing as well as a-diet plan that's customizable around-your preferences whether that be carb-cycling keto intermittent fasting one-meal a day ..


                    Adjustable Dumbbells (2.5kg to 24kg) for Men & Women

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