10 best exercises for big arms ( dumbbells only )


If you want to build bigger arms with a pair of dumbbell then you're gonna love this exercise because they target the most important muscle and make your arms look attractive ,bigger and wider these exercises includes your biceps triceps and your shoulders and for this exercise you only need a pair of dumbbells these exercises you can do in home also . So for the first exercise to train your brachilis are ….let's see one by one 

Most of the peoples don't train the part called brachilis for this you and for this you only need a pair of dumbbell with the help of dumbbell we can perform alternating cross body dumbbell curl .if you are a beginner then you have to do some warm up exercise before performing this exercise many of the people do biceps exercise but they only train theri triceps and biceps peak but they forget to train their brachilis muscle and that's the main reason they are not getting bigger and wider arms. Brachilis muscles is present in the middle of in your arms between your peak and the triceps and for training brachilis muscle these exercises will help you to get wider arms.

Exercise number 1 :-

so for the first exercise you need 2 dumbbells and hold them in a neutral position at your sides but before doing this exercise you want to lean slightly forward to hit directly to the brachilis muscles then slowly push the dumbbell up to your opposite pec  then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the original position and repeat this process on the other side of arms and do alternating back and front reps .

And next we are going to see the triceps exercise

Exercise number 2 -- single arm overhead tricep extension

      you can perform this exercise by standing or sitting on the bench and you don't need any support and for this exercise take a pair of dumbbells and press it straight up above your head then bend your elbows slightly and lower the dumbbell behind your head remember the dumbbell must touch your back of your head and make sure your elbow out to the side and for best results keep your upper arm on locked in place with your elbow pointing upward and then you have to extend your elbow upward until your arm is locked out over your head and then slowly back down the dumbbell and repeat the reps .

And the third most exercise to hit your triceps is

Exercise number 3 --Two arm dumbbell kickback

       Many of the people are performing this exercise for the triceps and it also helped to build your lower back this exercises effective when you do this exercise with 2 arms with the help of dumbbell at the same time this exercise needs a pair of dumbbell and stand straight to hanging to the side and then the your upper body all the way down make sure your back is parallel to the ground and make a 90 degree angle but lot of people make mistake they bend only half way and that can diminish the tension on your tricep a lot . So the right way to do this exercise is to bend all the way down and make 90 degree angle and at the same time you have to bend your elbows and hold them back up along the sides of your rips . While performing this exercise you have to remember keep your chest out and to maintain the neutral curve in your lower back and next extend your elbows until your arms are almost fully locked out behind you and slowly back your arms until your arms bent at 90 degree angle when you started and repeat the exercise into reps .

Next is the great biceps exercise to hit your short head of the biceps.

Exercise number 4-- Wide dumbbell curl .

      Usually people go with barbell curls but with the help of dumbbells you can also do this exercise in a better way in home by this exercise you can hit the short head of your biceps it is present inside of your arms you can also do the wilde curls the same way as regular dumbbell biceps curls for performing this exercise grab 2 dumbbells and stand straight and pin your elbows tight again your ribs while doing this exercise you have to rotate your arms outward first then curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders and continuing to keep your elbows in the same positions close to ribs . When the dumbbells are almost at your shoulders then slowly lower back down and remember keeping your arms externally rotated then when you reach the starting position repeat for reps .

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