Gym workout at home (No weights needed)


Power workout at the gym is best and all. But a what happens if you can't go to the gym ?. 

Fortunately, there are many sets of exercises that don't require machines and weights and yes, yes can truly work your entire body without those . Here we are going to learn a home work out that can replace the one you do at the gym.

It's a full body, dynamic workout that

incorporates power, strength, cardio, and mobility. You may might not be familiar with some of them Such as pendulum lunge and touchdown jack, so stay tuned as we will be covering more about them

Part 1: Do this moves for 60 seconds.Take rest for 10 seconds in each move . Repeat this exercise minimum 2 sets .

1.Blast off push-ups 

       Start with a push-up position then bend slitly your knees and raise your hips behind you when doing so, remember that your arms must be straight and your back must flat quickly push through your toes to move your body forward, bending your elbows to lower yourself into a push-up reverse the movement to return to the starting position that's one rep .

2 . Squat thrusts 

          Start with your feet hip - wide a part second, bend your knees and place your hands on the floor kick your legs behind you to get into a high plank . Lastly, jump on your feet back and just outside your hands then stand straight .

3. Pendulum Lunge .

            To begin, do a single lunge forward and clap hands under the forward leg 2nd, swinging the same leg, move backward into a lunge then clap the hands again under the forward leg . Repeat so that one leg is constantly on the move while the other is planted .

4. Mountain climber twist .

                     Start with body weight in the plank position remember your hands should be wider than shoulder - widtha it helps to get more stretch apart. Next, bring your right knee up toward the left elbow and then instantly alternate legs continue with another legs until a set is complete.

5. Pause Squat .

             Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and toes slightly turned out bend your knees then push your hips back as your lower down into a squat .This time, hold the bottom position for a whole 3seconds push through your heels to go back to the starting position .

        Part 2. Do 1 rep of each, 2 reps each next, then 3 reps, and so on go as high as you can get in 5 minutes .

6. Touch down Jack .

              Stand straight on your feet about shoulder-width apart and toes then slowly turned out second, bend your knees and try to pushing your hips back to the original position down into a squat tap the floor with your left hand , keeping your chest lifted then, jump your feet together as you stand and jump them back out to the beginning position . Do same type of squat but with your right hand tapping this time .

7. Panther Shoulder Tap .

                 Lift your knees until they're 2 inches off the floor and keep a neutral spine .Tap your right hand to your left shoulder then your left hand to your right shoulder while doing this, keep your hips as still as you can continue alternating sides .

Hope you know all best exercises that can replace gym .

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