How to GROW Your Chest With Dumbbells Only!

 we know you love barbell bench press but have you ever thought of switching things up a bit for a change what do you think about pressing with dumbbells then let's get to know how to grow your chest with dumbbells only welcome back viewers dumbbell only exercises are great despite what others say they're safer for your shoulders and activates more pectoral muscle allowing you to focus your training directly on your chest moreover dumbbells are easy to access today our video will be about how to grow your chest with dumbbell only exercises this includes exercises like flat dumbbell bench press and bridged floor press which we will be discussing in detail next so keep watching enjoying the video so far show some support and hit that like button .

Number one farmer's walk the farmer's walk is made to hone a person's posture as such it helps your chest look bigger start by standing with heavy dumbbells at your sides take 10 steps forward then 10 back do this for 5 minutes for the first minute walk for 30 seconds then rest for 30. walk for 5 more seconds each minute after that complete two steps .

Number two one arm one leg dumbbell row although a total body exercise this one primarily challenges your lats and chest while stretching your to start stand on one leg then grip a stable surface in front of you using one hand bend by dropping your chest and lifting the leg opposite your free hand next grab a dumbbell with your free hand pull it to the side of your waist then slowly lower it do 10 to 15 of these on each side .

Number three one arm dumbbell hang snatch this move is a full body exercise however your chest plays a huge role as it gives stability in the catchword to do it stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell straight down in front of you second keep your back flat and chest up then push your hips back and down to lower the weight between your knees explode in one motion extending your hips quickly and pulling the dumbbell straight up when the weight reaches maximum height drop your body underneath and catch it overhead lower it back to the initial position do two sets of ten reps .

Number four bridged floor press the bridged position allows you to target your packs all the while activating your glutes and hamstrings start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor hold dumbbells over your chest with your palms facing each other next squeeze your glutes and press the balls of your feet to down to the ground so there's a line from knee to shoulder concurrently lower the weights and hips together resting at the bottom and lastly bridge back up as you bring the weights back together complete two sets of ten reps .

Fumber five flat dumbbell bench press this exercise allows you to address possible muscle imbalances between your left and right sides by using dumbbells instead of barbells it allows for a greater range of motion start by sitting on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand lie back in position properly palms facing out elbow bent at 90 degrees hands and arms slightly below and wider than your shoulders then push the dumbbell straight up using a forceful motion like an arc at the top of the movement the dumbbell should hover over your chest pull your shoulder blades together on the way down maintaining control as you repeat perform 3 sets of 10 reps .

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