The BEST Cardio Routine That Will Help You Burn Belly Fat

 Running is a popular exercise even still it's overlooked by many saying that it's overrated the truth is it brings several benefits to the table including burning belly fat this and many more cardio exercises will help you achieve a flat tummy and so we have here the ultimate cardio routine for you the best cardio routine that will help you burn belly fat welcome back viewers excess belly fat is far more than just being an unsightly body issue it poses a threat to a person's health that could lead to some serious illnesses such as high cholesterol high blood sugar and several heart diseases thus it's crucial to reduce belly fat to do this regular exercise is a must specifically cardio exercises such as jumping rope and burpees this video will give you an overview of the best cardio routine you can follow to burn your belly fat we will also tackle the reasons why these exercises are great for you in a short while so stick around and stay tuned .

Number one running 15 minutes running is a good way to kick off your workout it's also one of the most popular cardio exercises studies have found out that moderate to high aerobic exercise like running targets harmful belly fat, in fact, you can achieve this without any change in your diet furthermore running regularly is known to prevent or alleviate certain health problems including heart disease blood sugar knee pain and anxiety just to name some run for 15 minutes and work your way up later .

Number two jump rope 10 minutes next is an exercise that you've likely performed many times when you were a kid jumping rope is often dubbed as the best cardio exercise which makes sense how it's used for cross training by many athletes also it can be done almost anywhere so as long as you have a jump rope to start perform jumping rope for 10 minutes after you run this duration can already burn about 110 calories .

Number three burpees five minutes most people often find themselves in a love-hate relationship with burpees they dread it most times but they like the fact that it can deliver a killer cardio workout in a short period of time plus you won't need any equipment or lots of space so you can do it at home or practically anywhere five minutes will do for beginners but if you can do ten minutes then all the better .

Number four jumping jacks five minutes another excellent cardio exercise to reduce belly fat is jumping jacks like burpees it can burn a maximum number of calories in a short time in addition this exercise can be simply integrated into loop training that cover other exercises like the ones we've been introducing to you plus jumping jacks can be done anywhere at any time without any equipment .

Number five squat jumps five minutes lastly we have the squat jump like the rest this cardio exercise can be done alone or as part of your cardio workout routine as its name implies squat jump begins with a squat then you jump up as you try to get as high as possible before landing back in a squat squat jump helps you burn more calories overall which in turn targets your belly fat follow this workout routine regularly and your belly fat will be gone sooner than you realize comment your thoughts .

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